
This Government is not telling us what we can judge them on – it is telling us what we may judge them on

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There is a plot to remove the democratically-elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and/or his wife

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There should be no barriers whatsoever to the State’s ability to recruit the very best and brightest for the roles it needs

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Politics are going on as much as economics here

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People are just scared at the moment in this country. Teachers are scared, as are their pupils. So are the parents of those pupils. And so are the employers of those parents.

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“There is nothing so permanent as the temporary”

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As their flouting of electoral law was revealed…

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A Vision for the Post-Brexit West

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A leader to build the meritocracy we need

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Why our use of language is very important

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A proposal for the reform of the House of Lords

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It is an attack upon its very soul

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And what could happen if none remains?

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A possible solution to the Brexit deadlock?

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A reflection on 24th June 2016

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For we will not be gone

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The inconvenient truth – and bright hope – of Brexit

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Paved by the will of the people – in 2016

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The view that has constrained free markets, and free societies, for so long

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De deur staat wijd open, maar wij zijn er toch bang voor…

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